Deck Profile: Shaman

As another round of online tournaments kick off the 2024 series of the Digimon TCG, I have decided to throw myself into the mix and try to find some success. For my first event, I went with a Shaman deck with the focus of trashing cards from my hand rather than my deck and giving the Digimon I play from the trash a way to attack off the bat.

Shaman may be an interesting choice as the EX05 Anubismon had just be restricted to one. However, that is not the only Anubismon in my collection. Way back in BT4, there was an Anubismon that had the effect of during your turn, any Digimon played by an effect would gain Rush. Rush allows your Digimon to attack the same turn they were play. BT4 Anubismon was the focus of this deck as my goal would be to get it on the field so then when I would Digivolve another into EX05 Anubismon or Titamon, the Digimon played by their effects would be be able to attack. This was my attempt at a more aggressive playstyle and one I would try in my first Regional event of the year.

Here is the deck I used in the CoreTCG March Regionals.

As I thought more and more about the deck, I began to narrow down on a few key things I wanted this deck to do.

In the end I had three things I wanted this deck to do:

  1. Ability to gain memory without the need of memory setter Tamer.
  2. Search through my deck to get the tools, I need.
  3. Have Digimon on the field at all times.

The use of a Tamer that can set you memory to at least 3 is super useful, however, can’t always get to your Tamer. So, one way I wanted to work around this is play into two traits of Purple decks; play Digimon from the Trash and Trashing cards. This came in the form of BT14 Goblimon and Ogremon and EX05 Labramon, each this of a effect that when triggered allows me to gain a memory, though Labramon and Goblimon are inherit effects meaning they would need to Digivolve at least at least once for it be use. Luckily, Ogremon is a level 4, I could Digivolve both into and who’s effect of when I trashed a card from my hand, I could gain a memory and that effect is also it’s inherit and still could be triggered even if Digivolved it into a level 5 or 6. Though these effects are limited to once per turn, it would allow me to allow me to stick to the game plan and gain the resources I needed.

For the tools to help me search through my deck, I decided I needed to also be able to trigger the effects of Goblimon and Ogremon. This actually require a handful of cards to achieve, starting with BT9 Pagumon and ST16 Gabumon. Both these cards have inherit effect of either trashing a card from hand to gain DP or Drawing one card and trashing one card when attacking. Now, trashing any card would work, but if I could get an additional effect from trashing those card, that be helpful and so I added BT7 Orochimon, BT6 Underworld’s Call and BT14 Pummel Whack to the deck. All this cards have effects of when an effect would trash them from my hand, to draw one card and this would team up with Gabumon’s effect where i could draw two cards and then still trash one to trigger Goblimon and Ogremon. To help keep this cycle going, I did also added BT2 Matt Ishida which on play would allow me to add a purple Digimon or Option to my hand and is a memory setter so that is a bonus.

Lastly, is the task of keeping Digimon on the field and this where the my more powerful Digimon came in. This is main theme with EX05 Anubismon where each turn I can play a Digimon from trash and trash cards from my hand to reduce the cost more, however, given it is restricted to only one copy in my deck and had to pick up the slack with other cards. That is where BT4 Anubismon, BT6 Titamon and BT5 Omnimon Zwart where all these Digimon had ‘When Digivolving’ effects that would allow me to play a Digimon from my trash and if with the addition effect of BT Anubismon they also would be able to attack when they are played. However, getting level 6 and even level 7 Digimon on the field can be a pain sometimes so that is where the option Underworld’s Call would come in and help get some level 4 Digimon on the field to help get up to level 6 a bit quicker.

Overall, I was happy with the deck and had an okay time playing this deck in the event. However, as I was getting outpaced I realize an major oversight in this deck. For the early game, I only had four cards available to trigger trash from hand effects, the two Pagumons which were stuck in the breeding area and the two Gabumon which I only had in my starting hand a few times. I got to focus on getting Anubismon on the field, I over looked the early game build up needed at the beginning of the game. Think I will re-work this deck and give it one more go at the next event I play in and hopefully it will go a bit better next time. Will keep you updated on how that adventures go, but until then, thank you so much for reading this post and remember to stay safe and game on!

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